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12 Octobre 2014

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27 Octobre 2014

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28 Octobre 2014

JJCR 2014

29-30 Octobre 2014

Journées Nationales du GDR Robotique.


Study and development of a multimodal micromechanical/optical device for the maturity characterization of human oocytes

During arti_cial fertilization attempt, whether in vitro fertilization (IVF) or intracyto- plasmic injection (ICSI), clinician have to select mature oocytes in order to maximise pregnancy opportunity. This quali_cation is based on visual estimation of the morphol- ogy of oocytes under microscope. The clinician observes in the cytoplasm of supposed mature oocytes the presence of a polar body and the lack of a nucleus. Unfortunately, the results obtained by this method are not accurate enough. The ultimate aim of our research work is to develop a device able to qualify oocytes with more precision and to determine the perfect moment for successful fertilization using di_erent modality of characterization (mechanical, optical and morphological). This work is inspired by the previous researches already done by the Automatic and Micro Mecratronic department and the Optic department of the FEMTO-ST institute. The mechanic characterization is performed with a low cost and disposable nanoforce sensor based on magnetic springs. The optical characterization consist in measuring the transmission spectra and refrac- tion index of the oocyte using an optical microsystem. Regarding the morphological characterization, we take pictures of the oocyte and analyse it using image processing techniques.