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12 Octobre 2014

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27 Octobre 2014

Accueil des participants au JJCR.

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28 Octobre 2014

JJCR 2014

29-30 Octobre 2014

Journées Nationales du GDR Robotique.


Three finger under-actuated hand prosthesis to be controlled using EMG Signals and Upper Limb kinematic information

The target of the project is to develop a hand prosthesis that should be compact, lightweight and directly connected to the forearm of the person in a non-intrusively way. Superficial electromyography sensors over the surface of the upper limb muscles will be placed with the goal of controlling the movements of artificial hand, based on the measure electrical activity in the most superficial muscles. Modeling the relation between upper limb kinematic, EMG signals and the hand grasping postures. This prosthesis will use the principle of mechanical under-actuation to develop robotic hand that has similar capabilities to the human hand gripping.