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12 Octobre 2014

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27 Octobre 2014

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28 Octobre 2014

JJCR 2014

29-30 Octobre 2014

Journées Nationales du GDR Robotique.


A Modified Wave Variable Based Bilateral Wireless Teleoperation Method for Robotic-Assited Surgery

Miniaturized surgical robotic system presents promising trend as reducing invasiveness during surgical procedure. However, it is noticed that cables for power and communication may affect its performance. Wireless communication is considered as a feasible solution due to its capability of reducing the numbers of cables and therefore enlarging robotic work-space and simplifying mechanical design complexity. But time delay is introduced to the whole system inevitably, thus may cause stability issue for teleoperation system. Wave variable based teleoperation provides stable performance for delayed bilateral teleoperation system, however accurate force and position tracking cannot be achieved which causes transparency issue. In our work, we proposed a modified wave variable teleoperation structure based on traditional wave variable structure. Simulation results indicate that good position and force tracking with only single trip time delay can be stably achieved.